Ever wonder why some people thrive on a more vegetarian diet and others thrive on a more carnivore diet? Or why your friend craves a green salad and you dream about steak? People feel best when they consume the right foods for their bodies and feel less well when they eat the wrong foods.
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D. treated thousands of patients from around the world with his individualized nutritional enzyme protocol based on the dietary concept that different people need different types of diets. His nutritional approach and metabolic typing is grounded in the scientific work of Dr. Weston A. Price, Dr. Francis Pottenger and Dr. William Donald Kelley. ย One of the pillars of The Gonzalez Protocolยฎ is determining your metabolic diet type (plus individual supplementation and detoxification).
To better understand the critical role of metabolic typing and balancing your autonomic nervous system watch this short video and read this essay as Dr. Gonzalez himself explains the science behind why diets are not One Size Fits All.
"As long as we put the right fuel into our bodies by eating the right food for ourย metabolic type, the autonomic system will be in balance, both branches and the associated organs and glands will function efficiently, the body will work beautifully, and our health will be ideal. However, with the wrong fuel, the autonomic system will go out of balance, it will function less efficiently, the organs and glands will not work well together and disease follows." - Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D.
Our multiple-choice self-test detemines which of Dr. Gonzalez's seven basic metabolic diets is the healthiest diet for your metabolic type. Upon completing this 99 question test online you will see a link to your results and receive an email revealing your Gonzalez Metabolic Type with an 18-page, illustrated nutritional plan and shopping list. This plan details exactly which foods are best for your metabolic type, how to prepare them and which foods to avoid.
When you take action and accountability for your own health by eating the right foods for your Gonzalez Metabolic Type you can achieve wellness including:
Metabolic Typing: Dr. Gonzalez's metabolic diets range from Extreme Vegetarian (sympathetic dominant) to Balanced to Extreme Carnivore (parasympathetic dominant) - all with different combinations of fruit, vegetables, grains and proteins. Our multiple-choice questions relate to your personality, food cravings, sleep habits and medical diagnoses and do not require bloodwork. Our test combines specific questions utilized by Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. Kelley in their own patient clinical assessment. It was created in collaboration with Kettle Moraine LTD. and the College Health Store who manage Dr. Kelley's procedures for Metabolic Self-Testing. Together, we seek to help people learn the best diet for their metabolic type and achieve optimum health.
We will provide a nutritional plan recommendation not a supplement or detoxification plan because a customized diet, supplement and detoxification protocol can only be designed by a Gonzalez Certified Doctor. Those with serious diseases should always follow their doctor's dietary advice and these Gonzalez diets are NOT cancer treatments.
Once you know your metabolic type, our cookbook offers meal planning and delicious recipes for following your Gonzalez Metabolic Diet. The Gonzalez Protocolยฎ Cookbook ย has more than 150 healthy recipes organized by the main Gonzalez Metabolic Types: Sympathetic, Balanced and Parasympathetic.
SYMPATHETIC TYPES: TYPE 1: Extreme Vegetarian, TYPE 4: Moderate Vegetarian
BALANCED TYPES: TYPE 8/4: Balanced Vegetarian, TYPE 8: Balanced, TYPE 8/5: Balanced Carnivore
PARASYMPATHETIC TYPES: TYPE 5: Moderate Carnivore, TYPE 2: Extreme Carnivore
1. Add our email address gonzalezguidancegroup@gmail.com to your contact list so your test link and your results don't go into your spam folder.
2. After you click on TAKE THE GONZALEZ METABOLIC TYPE TEST, you will be directed to make your purchase via credit card.
3. Once your purchase is confirmed, you will be directed to a CONFIRMATION/THANK YOU webpage with your personal test link and instructions. You will also receive an email with your personal test link. The email might be delayed by up to an hour while processing. Check your spam folder if you don't see the email in your inbox after an hour. Email us if you can't find the email. We will help you during our business hours of Monday - Friday, 9-5pm ET.
This self-test is NOT a medical diagnostic tool and is never a replacement for any dietary direction indicated by your physician. Users must be cautioned against following any dietary advice for any disease without medical consultation. This test is published for informational and educational purposes ONLY. Any errors in tabulation are unintentional. All results are subject to user subjectivity and your potentially inaccurate responses.
ยฉ 2021 Gonzalez Guidance Group LLC. All rights reserved. Any copying, publishing, distribution or other dissemination of this content without a license or express permission from the Gonzalez Guidance Group LLC is expressly prohibited.