Eating Raw
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez wrote the foreword to three of Carol Alt’s raw food cookbooks. He explains in “Eating in the Raw” that enzymes are protein catalysts…a molecule that allows a chemical reaction to occur efficiently with minimal energy. Enzymes do many things, both within our cells and without. They help produce chemical energy to fuel our cells and their many varied activities (attacking bacteria, viruses and fungi as well as dangerous cancer cells). Enzymes wear out and need to be replaced and we can ONLY get new enzymes from raw foods.
Enzymes begin to deteriorate at 106 degrees and are completely inactive above 116 degrees. In other words, when we cook food, we change it. Heat inactivates certain vitamins such as folic acid and vitamin C. At high sustained temperatures, certain minerals such as calcium become less readily absorbed. The general rule is that when you cook food, you very quickly destroy all its enzymes.
On The Gonzalez Protocol®, each Gonzalez Metabolic Type is prescribed a different ratio of raw to cooked foods as they relate to that types ability to efficiently digest foods. In our new cookbook, we have many raw food recipes for you to enjoy from breakfasts, salads, entrees and desserts.
How do you determine your metabolic type?
There are a few ways to learn your Gonzalez Metabolic Type. 1) Meet with a Gonzalez Certified Doctor who will do a complete exam, conduct a physical history and perform diagnostic tests. 2) Take the Gonzalez Metabolic Type Test online 3) Read “What Diet is Best for Me? “
Is there any concern with parasites with eating raw? I was trying to eat a lot of raw foods, but then I would get parasites. I’m vegan and eat a lot of vegetables. My doctor said there are parasites in vegetables. So now I’m afraid to eat too much raw food.
Parasites are nasty and definitely a concern as they can be found in our vegetables, fish, pork, beef and other animal products. Do your best to eat clean, organic foods to avoid parasites. If you do get parasites, we have an effective protocol to eliminate them that you can get from our Gonzalez Guardian Doctors.
If I understand correctly the parasympathetic tumors are the patients who have the leukemia, lymphomas, myelomas and melanomas. I noticed that sarcomas are no longer listed with the parasympathetic cancers when talking about the parasympathetic tumors and sympathetic tumors. Please tell me why not? Is the diet different for hormonal soft tissue sarcomas vs other sarcomas? Or are they both usually but maybe not considered parasympathetic tumors still? I want to learn as much as I can. I find it all interesting. Thank you.
There are a few cancers that fall into several different metabolic types. Sarcomas is one of them that can be either sympathetic or parasympathetic dominant. Additional diagnostic testing is done by our Gonzalez Guardian Doctors in order to design the optimal diet, detox and supplement plan.
I am not asking for advice but wondering about people on blood thinners. Don’t pancreatic enzymes thin the blood too much if your patient is on blood thinners? Do you work with them or are they refused? Thank you for continuing Dr. Gonzales work.
Hello Cathie – there aren’t any issues with modern blood thinners and our pancreatic enzymes.