Empowering You and Restoring Your Health
Did you know that the body can heal naturally from disease?
We believe that disease is an invitation to doctor yourself through lifestyle choices and self-care as you reclaim your regenerative power. The body does not make mistakes. It informs you about your needs - physical and spiritual - and healing takes place when you answer the call. The Gonzalez Protocol®, Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D.'s nutritional enzyme treatment, provides you with a customized road map that establishes the conditions for health that will allow your body to heal. We show you how to hit your body's reset button as we educate you on how to be accountable for your own health and build a healthy lifestyle with individualized diets, supplement plans and detoxification.
The Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation proudly shines a bright light on Dr. Gonzalez’s life-saving natural treatments and refuses to allow Dr. Gonzalez’s groundbreaking protocols be extinguished, altered or fade into oblivion like the brilliant work of his mentors Dr. William Donald Kelley and Dr. John Beard.
Dedicated scientists and past patients have fueled an invisible medical revolution since Dr. Gonzalez died in 2015. We call ourselves the Gonzalez Guardians as we guard and protect Dr. Gonzalez's legacy and the integrity of his protocols. Together, we offer The Gonzalez Protocol® to doctors and patients around the world.
Our Past:
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez was a rebel who challenged the conventional medical establishment. He practiced medicine in his private practice in New York City for nearly 30 years and received recognition from prominent research scientists as well as ground-breaking funding from the NIH for his work. Dr. Gonzalez treated cancer patients as well as patients with diseases such as severe allergies, chronic fatigue, lupus, Parkinson’s, Lyme and those who were interested in general wellness and disease prevention. He believed that Nature is a Friend and Not the Enemy. Fortunately, he meticulously documented the scientific theory of his work with books and lectures and videos. Dr. Gonzalez also wrote more than 150 cancer case studies demonstrating a lifetime of research and patient care which have been posthumously published Cancer Case Reports. There are many published articles about Dr. Gonzalez and The Gonzalez Protocol®. Two of the most comprehensive articles are from Alternative Therapies: An Enzyme Approach to Cancer and Seeking The Truth in the Fight Against Cancer.
Our Present:
We offer you THREE Gonzalez Paths to Wellness...
Prospective patients interested in The Gonzalez Protocol® can learn more about how to become a patient here. Our nutritional protocol requires a significant lifestyle change with a personal commitment to an individualized diet, nutritional supplement and detoxification routine. You may start our application process here.
Food is medicine but which foods? Learn exactly which foods are best for YOU by discovering your Gonzalez Metabolic Type. Take our online, multiple-choice test, Gonzalez Metabolic Type Test , and receive a detailed nutritional plan, cooking preparation advice and shopping list based on your metabolic type.
We offer general advice that applies to everyone regardless of their metabolic type of disease state. Gonzalez General Guidelines is an 8-page downloadable PDF with advice on nutrition, supplements, detoxification routines, how to have a healthy, non-toxic home and the importance of spirituality.
Our Future Together:
Our empirical evidence and patient results are compelling. HEAR from current patients on the protocol. READ additional testimonials from past patients, doctors and people who have found Dr. Gonzalez's work helpful.
Together, we are CHANGING the course of medicine. We are HELPING people survive cancer and other deadly diseases who might have otherwise perished without this protocol. We offer HOPE to anyone seeking an alternative to conventional therapies and spread the TRUTH about the power of nutrition and how your body can heal itself.
Help us reach more people and SPREAD the word of The Gonzalez Protocol's effectiveness as a non-toxic treatment for cancer and other serious illness. PROMOTE the powerful message of ecologically-based food production and responsible nutrition worldwide, with a hope for renewed attention to traditional principles and practices.
Our revolutionary team is getting brighter and growing stronger. JOIN us by donating your time, talent and treasure.
Our Gonzalez Guardians
We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to meet with a doctor
who is keeping Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez’s flame alive. These Gonzalez Guardians are
Medical Doctors and Naturopathic Doctors who have attended our
2021 Educational Seminar and been certified in The Gonzalez Protocol®. Certification
denotes doctors who completed this seminar and were educated in the theories and
procedures of The Gonzalez Protocol® as determined from Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez’s
published books, lectures, patient files and other writings.
Each doctor has their own patient admission policy and ALL decisions about patient acceptance and treatment are at the sole discretion of the doctor. Submitting your information to the Gonzalez Guidance Group does not create a doctor-patient relationship. This is not established until a doctor accepts a patient into their practice and a treatment plan is begun.
Latest Books
Discover the Scientific Foundations of The Gonzalez Protocol®
“Your only job is to love the Truth, everyday.”
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez
Testimonials on Gonzalez's Conquering Cancer Books
“The late Nicholas Gonzalez, MD got true lasting results with these cancers … even to the point of cure. Based on the pioneering research of Dr. John Beard, his protocol uses proteolytic enzymes, diet, and detoxification with impressive success. Conquering Cancer provides a roadmap for doctors and patients who want something other than chemotherapy and radiation — and not just ephemeral hope but lasting success.”
Sally Fallon Morell, President, The Weston A. Price Foundation
“Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez was a well-trained and compassionate physician, whose meticulous efforts resulted in documented benefits for scores of patients that were far superior to chemotherapy. His legacy lives on, and will stimulate others to investigate novel approaches that are designed to improve patient care, rather than corporate profits."
Paul Rosch, M.D., M.S., Chairman of the Board of The American Institute of Stress. Clinical Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry, New York Medical College.
“Conquering Cancer reveals an approach to cancer treatment that squarely challenges what is offered by orthodox medicine. Anyone seeking a broader view of cancer treatment should study Dr. Gonzalez’s compelling case histories. This book is a powerful legacy to a compassionate man dedicated to unraveling the cancer mystery.”
David Perlmutter, MD, FACN, Author, #1 New York Times Bestseller, Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth About Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar — Your Brain’s Silent Killers
Nicholas J. Gonzalez, M.D.
Nicholas James Gonzalez, M.D., was born in Flushing, New York, and graduated from Brown University, Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude, with a degree in English Literature. He subsequently worked as a journalist, first at Time, Inc., before pursuing premedical studies at Columbia. He then received his medical degree from Cornell University Medical College in 1983. During a post graduate immunology fellowship under Dr. Robert A. Good, considered the father of immunology, he completed a research study evaluating an aggressive nutritional therapy in the treatment of advanced cancer.
In private practice in New York City from 1987, Dr. Gonzalez treated patients diagnosed with cancer and other serious degenerative illnesses. His nutritional research has received substantial financial support from Proctor and Gamble and Nestlé. Results from a pilot study published in 1999 described the most positive data in the medical literature for pancreatic cancer. He died in July 2015.

Your Support Makes a Difference
Our movement has only just
begun. Please support our 501c3 research and education Foundation so we can
continue to bring nutritional health to patients around the world and visibility to The
Gonzalez Protocol®.